CAD Integration within CAQ
Solution for digital stamping of your CAD drawings
infraConvert by Elias is the leading software for analyzing technical drawings. The system has been successfully used on the market for many years and is widely applied in many cases.
infraConvert has been an indispensable tool for many of our customers for a very long time and is an important component in QualityMiners.CAQ. It is fully integrated into our CAQ solution and can be started from inspection planning and FMEA, among other things,
It automatically recognizes inspection characteristics in CAD drawings, stamps them and transfers them to the inspection plan.
- Ensure inspection feature detection rate up to 100%.
- Link the inspection characteristics in the stamped drawing and the associated inspection plan using the characteristic number.
- Achieve up to 70% time savings in inspection planning.
Loaded by infra CONVERT:
- Drawing in a CAD exchange format (DWG, DXF or IGES)
- Drawing in another format (PDF, TIFF, PNG, …)
Issued by infra CONVERT:
- Inspection plan for further processing in MS Excel or a CAQ system
- stamped drawing as PDF file or in image sections of the stamped areas
Solution for digital stamping of your CAD drawings
Additional CAQ functions
Harry Keller
New Customer Sales
Jessica Lutz
Customer Management